Career Advisors
- Are there children at your school that aren’t doing well with the traditional education model?
- Are they going to get those all-important NCEA results that keep the school’s academic performance where it needs to be?
- Could those children do better outside the classroom learning practical skills that also incorporate numeracy and literacy?
- Would credits gained at school give them an advantage when continuing into Tertiary Education?
We can help!
We recognise there are many ways to provide an education, and there are many ways a student can learn and succeed.
Our programmes are practical, hands-on training, with embedded numeracy and literacy content that contribute towards NCEA Level 2 and 3 credits.
Students can stay at school for 3 or 4 days a week and continue with the usual subjects like Maths and English, and spend the remaining 1 or 2 days with AGC Training.
AGC Training delivers a quality programme, the school gets the results they want without losing any funding and the student is better off.
Study is during school hours and transport is provided to and from our campus.
Our programmes lead to real jobs and a real future for these students!
What we offer
Trades Academy
Trade Academies focus on delivering trades and technology programmes to secondary students based on partnerships between schools, tertiary institutions, industry training organisations and employers.
Students in years 11 to 13, who are interested in a career in trades or technology are able to combine study at a trades academy with studies towards their National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) and a nationally transferable tertiary qualification Level 1, 2 or 3. It is expected that students will have the opportunity to achieve an award in at least one of the Vocational Pathways for NCEA Level 2.
The purpose of a trades academy is to:
✓ motivate more students to stay engaged in learning and training by providing them with a greater number of options for study
✓ provide students with clear pathways post-school by giving them a head start on training for vocational qualifications and smooth access to employment
✓ improve the responsiveness of schools to business and economic needs.
Intended Outcomes for Students
The programme must lead to a worthwhile qualification for the students enrolled in the trades academy. This is a minimum of NCEA level 2. Students must also be working toward a trades-related nationally-transferrable tertiary qualification in Level 1, 2 or 3 as part of the programme. It is expected that students will have the opportunity to gain a Vocational Pathways Award for NCEA Level 2.
Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource – STAR
Secondary schools administer funding that allows them to engage AGC Training to provide training and education to their students under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for specific programmes or Unit Standards. AGC Training currently delivers Carpentry and Agriculture STAR programmes to local schools.
Students attend AGC Training onsite one day per week and are often working toward 20 credits from a nationally recognised certificate. Students complete Unit Standards at this level and receive an excellent head start towards gaining a New Zealand Certificate in the field of their choice and can continue with one of our fulltime programmes.
The objectives of STAR are to:
✓ provide flexible funding for courses which will better respond to students’ needs, motivate them to achieve, and facilitate their smooth transition to further education, training or employment
✓ support students to explore career pathways and help them make informed decisions about their schooling and future work or study.
Talk to us to find out more.
We can meet with you and talk through the options.